The biannual International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium


The biannual International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium will take place from September 24th to 27th 2017 in Freiberg (Germany).

This symposium receives international experts from academia and industry active in the fields of biomining, bioleaching and bioremediation. The global forum promotes relations between biologists, engineers and chemists and let academics, students, researchers and practitioners discuss their research.

During 3 days, different presentations will be given. A doctoral student of the Chair, Agathe Hubau, will present a communication during this symposium : « Establishment of an iron-oxidizing culture of acidophilic micro-organisms for bioleaching of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) ».


If you need more informations :


If you want to participate to this event, please register at :

Please contact the organizer Andrea Kohl (+49 (0)69 7564-235) if necessary