The ParisTech Fundation


A fundation dedicated to Higher education and Research


Established by a decree published in the Journal Officiel of 10th April 2010, La Fondation ParisTech aims to contribute to the development of scientifical and technological Higher education and Research, on the French and international levels. Registered as a public service organization, the Fondation ParisTech arose from the ParisTech network initiative, with the financial support of major industrial groups.


La Fondation ParisTech aims to :

  • Enable the development of innovative trainings and curriculums, especially on an international level, to reinforce the attractivity of French Higher education institutions upon high level students and professors
  • Promote a collaborative and multidisciplinary Research, able to answer to societal challenges and to contribute to technological evolutions
  • Encourage talent diversity by supporting diversity policies
  • Enhance the internationalization of Higher education and Research.


A federative fundation for the development of the Economy of Knowledge


As a non-profit organization, La Fondation ParisTech developps its numerous projects on a private-funded model, bringing together actors who wish to contribute to the Economy of Knowledge’s development and outreach.


As an « umbrella » fundation, it also offers a legal framework opportunity to persons willing to create their own fundation, provided their scope is consistent with the overall mission of La Fondation ParisTech.


Up to now, La Fondation ParisTech has three foundations under its aegis :


  • la Fondation Maurice Allais, under aegis since 2011
  • la Fondation AgroParisTech, under aegis since 2012.
  • la Fondation 2100, under aegis since 2017.